
J.M. Wood Auction has contracts with many of the most reputable heavy equipment transportation companies around the world. We can assist you in transporting your machinery or heavy equipment to or from any J.M. Wood Auction facility, no matter if it is across town or across the globe. We can also handle all your dismantling and containerizing for shipment to the port of your choice.
For more information - please fill out our form and a transport company will contact you direct.

Featured Transport Partner

Sonic Transport V-C Trucking

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Exporting:  J.M. Wood Auction has locations across the southeastern United States that are placed strategically near major ports. Once assets are purchased at any of our construction auctions, machinery auctions, logging equipment auctions or any of the auctions we conduct, a J.M. Wood Auction representative will help you arrange transportation, equipment dismantling, and any other details to make your buying experience a pleasant one.

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Sell with confidence